How it works

D2k2Ang converts each block to Anagular HTML and Javascript component whether Grid or Form maintaining the layout.
Then it recognize the layout and gnerates the component for that layout and generates the code that links those components as master detail. In this trial, Tables are automatically created also.

D2k2Ang currently support the following layouts : Form - Grid - Form/Grid Master detail - Form Master & 2 Grid Detail - Grid Master & Grid Detail Tab pages are recognized and created containing the layouts, where components are linked using Notification service.
The PL/SQL code for each block will be created as a function inside each component for conversion. Also Form level procedures.

D2k2Ang has a library that provides similar functionality of Oracle developer/2000 for Create/Retrieve/Update/Delete (CRUD).
Framework supports transaction commit and rollback spanning multiple components.
It maintains Oracle Forms trigger architecture, and supports FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE concept.
A toolbar provides those functionality in addition to print screen, export to PDF or Excel for a Grid.

D2k2Ang is powered by a backend DB server that supports : Oracle - Mysql - Maraia DB - postgres - sqlite.
Rule based engine in the backend DB server can perfrom DB queries, or send http requests(JSON/XML), or mail or sms.
Also the front end library has a Rule based engine to control the screen flow, open another URL, or send an http request(JSON/XML).
Fields attributes maintained for:
  • Calendar , checkbox, radio group, LOV
  • Hooks to triggers like when-validate-item
  • Default values, copy of a field
  • Hint as placeholder attribute
  • Labels stored in multi lingual file
  • Readonly, Case restriction